3M™ MicroPES™ Flat Sheet Membranes

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3M™ MicroPES™ Flat Sheet Membranes are made from polyether sulphone

The asymmetric pore structure of 3M™ MicroPES™ Flat Sheet Membrane provides high-performance in depth filtration for a wide range of applications due to different pore sizes available

The 3M™ MicroPES™ Flat Sheet Membrane retention layer is well protected inside the cross section

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  • 3M™ MicroPES™ Flat Sheet Membranes are made from polyether sulphone
  • The asymmetric pore structure of 3M™ MicroPES™ Flat Sheet Membrane provides high-performance in depth filtration for a wide range of applications due to different pore sizes available
  • The 3M™ MicroPES™ Flat Sheet Membrane retention layer is well protected inside the cross section
  • Good processability due to high mechanical strength
  • Can be processed with common pleating and welding processes
  • 3M™ MicroPES™ Flat Sheet Membranes can be sterilized by ETO or gamma irradiation
  • 3M™ MicroPES™ Flat Sheet Membranes are resistant against chemicals used in cleaning procedures, such as hydrochloric acid, citric acid, acetic acid, sodium hydroxide, or sodium hypochlorite
  • 3M™ MicroPES™ Flat Sheet Membranes can be used in applications in a wide pH range from 2 to 12
  • 3M™ MicroPES™ Flat Sheet Membranes passed the following toxicological tests from ISO 10993: Cytotoxicity; Skin Sensitization; Irritation or Intracutaneous Reaction; Acute Systemic Toxicity; Hemolysis; Pyrogenic Reactions; Mutagenicity in Ames-Test; Implantation Test
  • 3M™ MicroPES™ Flat Sheet Membrane is EU Food Contact compliant

The asymmetric pore structure of 3M™ MicroPES™ Flat Sheet Membrane provides high throughput performance in a wide range of applications due to different pore sizes available.

The evenly distributed pores form an asymmetrical structure along the thickness of the membrane with pronounced depth filtration characteristics. 3M™ MicroPES™ Flat Sheet Membrane is used in various applications requiring high retention. It can be processed using common pleating and welding techniques and is also available in a wide variety of pore sizes to meet the needs of various specific applications. Chemically enhanced backwash with chemical cleaners, such as hydrochloric acid, citric acid, acetic acid, sodium hydroxide, or sodium hypochlorite, does not affect the mechanical stability of the membrane. 3M™ MicroPES™ Flat Sheet Membrane offers proven throughput performance due to its asymmetric pore structure.



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